Feedback Form

Answering these questions may help me find funding to continue improving this educational website.  An e-mail address is optional, but necessary if you want a reply.  You need not identify yourself to send in comments.

Please select one of the following.
Your status:  Student 
When was the last time you visited The Charms of Duckweed? First-time visitor 
A year or more ago 
In the last year 
In the last six months 
In the last month
Have you previously visited The Charms of Duckweed at the Missouri Botanical Garden? yes no
Did your visit to the website help you in your studies or in a project? yes no;not applicable
Did the Website answer most of your questions or was it unclear? clear unclear;not applicable
Did e-mail correspondence help you answer your additional questions? yes no;not applicable

Please comment on the following.
Compare this site to other duckweed websites:   ( Select 1 -5 ) 1 = most helpful, 5 = least
If part of the website is unclear, what was unclear?
What was the most helpful part of the Website?
What questions are still unanswered?

If you are a student, please answer this section.
What is your grade or year in school/ college?
If the the Website helped you complete a project, what was its title?
Did the project involve labwork or experimenting with duckweed, or was it a library report? Laboratory Library;no specific project

If you are a teacher, journalist or writer
What course/ level do you teach or what type of publication do you write for?
If the Website helped you develop a lesson plan, laboratory, or article what was its subject?

If you are a pond owner, please answer this section.
What success have you been in managing duckweed? High - no problems 
None - uncontrolled
If the Charms of Duckweed helped you control duckweeds, what was your chosen method of management? Herbicide(s)
Mechanical (skimming)
Biological (herbivorous fish)

Please provide any further comments or suggestions that might be helpful to the author.

Please let The Charms of Duckweed know who you are (optional)
Title (Dr., Ms, Mr., etc.)
First Name & Middle Initial
Last Name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Postal Code
E-Mail Address (if you want me to reply)
Thanks so much for your assistance!
John Cross
Author of The Charms of Duckweed


Revised:  October 24, 2001